Added to your favorites About GMCVB The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau is the official, accredited destination sales and marketing organization for Greater Miami and Miami Beach.
Added to your favorites Town Halls The GMCVB is spearheading the development of a 5-year strategic plan for the visitor industry of Greater Miami and Miami Beach.
Added to your favorites Community Engagement A critical component to the development of the strategic plan will be created through an extensive community-wide engagement process.
Added to your favorites Project Team Tourism is the largest component of Greater Miami and the Beaches economy in terms of employment and generation of tax revenues.
Added to your favorites Press The strategic plan development will engage the community and set a roadmap to reinforce Greater Miami’s position as a world-class destination.
Added to your favorites Strategic Plan Goals To accomplish the GMCVB's new vision and mission, six critical goals need to be achieved within the next five years.